Global Mobility Immigration Lawyers Scholarship Submission: by University of Technology Sydney student Naomi McKeown

Please note,  the views and opinions expressed in this scholarship entry (and all other scholarship entries) are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Global Mobility Immigration Lawyers.


Gratitude gives way to hard work
Optimism paves the way to building a home
Our country is richer beyond culture
Gratitude is ours

Jews in fear of broken glass
Solace found in the most remote land
Inspires a child to write books to inspire

A richer Australia

Running from the Communist north
Risking life in a leaky boat and is saved
Rises to represent the Queen

A richer Australia

A tigress escapes the nightmare of war
Her cyanide pill is destroyed
Girls captivated by her passion for science

A richer Australia

Escaping civil war in Bosnia
A family seeking a future finds light
Using the law to help others to share in the joy

A richer Australia

Abandoning a Kenyan camp of malaria, dust and death
A mother and her sons re-start life
Cheer, cheer the red and white

A richer Australia


Until the 1960s, to be Australian meant being Anglo, eating white bread and
listening to Mozart. But – thankfully – we have outgrown our teenage belligerence
and are now mature and worldly. Our identity is one created by each of us. And
there’s mutual gratitude for those who sought and found asylum here.

Australia is proof that the whole is better than the sum of its parts. Different
cultures and geographies and skills and dreams are what makes our country so

There is example upon example of people who have escaped death and not only
stayed alive but created for themselves phenomenal success.

We are the recipients of their success.

We work so hard to defend Australia’s identity of A Fair Go. How better to
illustrate it.

Who then is unAustralian?
